Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Study for Sex positions are positions which became a favorite among women, (Pelajaran Sex Untuk Pemula) Posisi yang di senangi (Bugil)

Study for Sex positions are positions which became a favorite among women, (Pelajaran Sex Untuk Pemula) Posisi yang di senangi (Bugil)…

Fellow Readers ,

 Further still talk to couples romance breasts . Times in my writing about what can be done to tease her beloved husband the wife , the husband is not the only task you know to open the intimate moments together. Your wife may also why ? ! Guaranteed your husband will be more spirit , , ,

We know breast is not just a part of a woman whose real function while breastfeeding . Since the time of ancient Egypt became part of an exotic woman's breasts in a sexual realm .

Naaah ... what the hell to do with the wife's breasts to tease her beloved husband ? ?Want to know , , ,

1 . Repeat jumps on the bed

Men love to see women jumping moment , you know ? ! Know why ? ? When she jumps , the breast will bounching or move up and down . And it would

make his heart flutter and stunned at the sight. Glek .. gleeekk .... hahahe .. :)

2 . Paste and press the breast to the back of husband

Of donk , warm loving hug highly desirable each couple . Wife massaging hug or a loving husband would be the remedy for the soul splash husband .. Give a hug or a massage at the husband should not solely by hand alone , you know ? ! Add menu massaging your husband by gluing and pressing breasts slowly back to her husband . Whoa .. seeerr ....

3 . Spray fragrances to cleavage

Spray perfume in between your cleavage . Choose a soft fragrance , do not sting because the piercing scent it will ruin the mood . Automatically when you move in close to her husband , the scent of the perfume will be greeted in a sexy way .Wuuuiiihh ...

4 . Wear air- lace bra
Lace accent has always been a dazzling outfit for men . With a choice of black or white , you are free to tempt her husband and make it passionate on the bed . Lace fabric overlay would make the husband wants to " figure out " what is behind the lace . Hahahe ... :)

5 . Boob job ( wow. . ! ! )

You may also give boob job ( " massage " the breast ) special for her husband . Add baby oil , olive oil , or lubricants to make it more comfortable and reduce the friction that causes the skin to injury .

6 . Wear a white shirt

Wearing a white shirt a little thin will make you both nipples exposed . Create scenarios for water play and berbasah - basahan . When the wet T-shirt , of " mold " your breasts more clearly . Guaranteed Dech ... husband will gemez and chase you wherever you run . Be careful not to slip

Almost all couples do position 69 with men and women under the above.

Some may never want to try wild positions and erotic , but they do not know . The fastest way to get some variation is only with women and men under the above . This position is interesting for two reasons . First , men can drive into the woman's mouth for more unusual sensation , and secondly , men now have easier access to the clitoris . This position is easier for women if men thrusting penis into her mouth so she does not have to move much .

Position 69 is not attempted by many couples are 69 side . This position can be a bit awkward if you have not done it before , but some simple tips will make it much more fun . Do not try to lie perfectly next to each other . What you do is pull the foot toward your face women , and women are attracted towards the male pelvis .

With this position will be much more comfortable . Position 69 involving heavier women lifted her waist , while the men sit , kneel or stand . Women can sit , kneel , or stand if he could lift men .

69 The position involves the man sitting just hug a woman's abdomen just above the hips , and gently let her head rest , while men use her hands to hold her head a little , or only allow men keep women so as not to burden the weight of the woman 's neck to maintain a decent level of comfort . Kneeling and holding the position of women in the 69 a little more complicated , and requires some significant power , but is a great way to train your upper body . The women can also train themselves to strengthen his arm to arm to lift a bit of the male body .

Position 69 is the most difficult , and one that must be done outside of the mattress , is 69 feet. This position requires a lot of power by men , and women can not really help lift heavy , because he was raised in the air . This position also requires that women have easy access to the penis .

Want to know how to satisfy your partner . Try doing penchant sex positions during lovemaking . Some of these positions can be pilihnnya .
Isabella Snow , a sex expert who quoted from AskMen , Thursday ( 5/11/2009 ) mentions some of women 's favorite position and why.

Woman on Top
Sex positions are positions which became a favorite among women . The reason is simple , because they find it to be the ruler of the game . The women could see their partner 's face while achieving pleasure . They can set the rhythm .
Want to make you more passionate women , doing it while sitting position on the couch . Kiss your partner's chest , and play your fingers gently on her hip .

This position is still a favorite , as the most convenient according to the women . In order not to bore , the men had to make it more interesting . Try hold your lips to the ears of your women . Whisper the things you want to do her name , and she 'll start screaming your name .

Standing position
Making love in a standing position turns Sagat favored by women . They felt closer to the couples , especially when they can see the expression on his partner .Unfortunately , male ejaculation when having sex with this position to be faster . To overcome this there baiknaya to slow down the rhythm of love. When the middle of the break , the man can stimulate their partner 's clitoris .Want something more wild , do not do this position in the bedroom . Kitchen cabinets or bathroom is a pretty good place to heat up your night .

Spoon position
Spoon or spooning position is also one of women's favorite . The position of the man who converted them from behind cause a sense of comfort . Especially when that man is free to stimulate parts intin women , ranging from neck kissing , touching the chest, to the clitoris . Just as in the missionary position , the man can also whispering words of seduction hot , which makes the partner more aroused while performing this position .

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Artis-artis Indonesia Pada Bugil (Mencari Poularitas Dengan Cara Apapun) Bugil...

Foto Bugil Dewi Persik - Dalam film terbarunya Pantai Selatan…

     Foto Bugil Dewi Persik - Dalam film terbarunya Pantai Selatan Dewi Perssik diwjibkan beradegan telanjang nah ingin tahu sperti apa Dewi Perssik telanjang dalam film Pantai Selatan. Dalam suting Film Pantai Selatan Dewi Perssik mengaku jika ada beberapa adegan fulgar yang harus dilakoninya. “Sebenarnya ada adegan ciuman dan enggak pake baju. Semuanya saya yang atur, termasuk kostum,” ungkap Depe di Planet Hollywood, Jakarta Selatan Dewi Perssik juga mengatakan perlu keberanian ekstra untuk beradegan telanjang di film ini dan baginya adegan telanjang merupakan adegan yang penuh tantangan dan butuh keberanian melakukannya di depan kamera. “Semuanya saya yang atur, termasuk kostum. Itu yang membuat saya semangat bekerja. Jadi tidak hanya sekedar main. Makanya saya berani telanjang, keluar dari kepompong, sambil berjalan kaki tanpa sehelai benang pun,” tandas
Dewi Perssik.. Nah penasaran seperti apa foto telanjang Dewi Perssik di film  Pantai Selatan? 

Foto Bugil mirip penyayi danngdut Siti Badriah beredar luas di Twitter dan Internet…

Foto Bugil mirip penyayi danngdut Siti Badriah beredar luas di Twitter dan Internet, nah kamu mau tahu seperti apa foto foto bugil Siti Badriah yang tersebar ke Internet.
Lagi lagi kasus artis bugil kembali menghebohkan dunia maya, kali ini yang jadi korban adalah Artis dan juga penyanyi dangdut Siti Badriah. Foto foto bugil mirip Siti Badriah ini beredar di Internet malalui jejaring sosila Twitter dan terus berkembang ke jejeraing sosial lainya seper
ti Facebook. Foto bugil Siti Badriah ini pertama kali muncul di akun Twitter @Vina787979 pada 23 November lalu, setidaknya ada 3 foto bugil mirip Siti Bariah di akun tersebut. Dari 3 Foto bugil Siti Badriah tersebut terlihat beberapa pose yang berbeda, seperti pose berbaring di atas tempat tidur, berpose memamerkan payudara hingga pose tidak berpakaiyan sama sekali alias bugil atau telanjang sambil mebelakangi tubuhnya. Sampai saat ini akun twitter yang menjadi tempat pertama kali foto bugil Mirip penyayi dangdut Siti Badriah tidak dapat diakses, apa kerena sengaja di tutup oleh si pemilik akun atau memang sudah di hapus oleh pihak twitter.

Video Shinta Bachir sedang Ganti Baju beredar di Youtube, video Hot Shinta Bachir ini berdurasi 1 menit, 24 detik...

Video Shinta Bachir sedang Ganti Baju beredar di Youtube, video Hot Shinta Bachir ini berdurasi 1 menit, 24 detik. Artis cantik Shinta Bachir kali ini mendaptkan masalah setelah video hot Shinta Bachir yang sedang ganti baju beredar di Situs berbagi video Youtube. Dalam video Shinta Bachir ganti baju ini terlihat jelas payudara Shinta Bachir namun dalam posisi membelakangi kamera. Nah dalam video Shinta Bachir ganti baju yang beredar di youtube terlihat jika Shinta Bachir memang sedang ganti baju, awalnya Shinta Bachir membuka celananya terlihat jika Shinta Bachir menggunakan celana dalam berwarna merah muda, setelah itu Shinta Bachir mulai membuka bajunya dan branya nah disinilah bagian payudaranya mulai terlihat jelas walaupun  terlihat dari samping. Menurut Shinta Bachir, video Shinta Bachir sedang ganti baju yang beredar di Youtube itu merupakan video ketika ia sedang ganti baju saat suting film Pulau Hantu 3. “Saya ingat itu syuting film Pulau Hantu 3,” katanya saat dihubungi. Atas beredarnya Video Shinta Bachir ganti baju ini, Shinta Bachir mengaku stres sebab ia sudah memutuskan untuk tidak lagi  main di film-film seksi.

Ini Kekejaman Dunia Perfilman yang semakin hari semakin keras, yang kuatlah yang bisa terus bertahan dan yang lemah lah yang akan menjadi pecundangnya, jika anda wanita (Baik-baik) berfikirlah beribu-ribu kali jika ingin terjun kedunia hiburan sebap dunia hiburan tidak se indah yang di bayangkan,,,

Mau Jadi Artis,,? Fikir yang masak-masak...